Why are disposable bath towels used frequently?

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Why are disposable bath towels used frequently?

Disposable bath towels are dry cloths made of non-woven fabric that you can throw away immediately after use. This one-off function makes it one of the most sought after convenience products, especially in the kitchen. Medical institutions are the first to use it regularly due to hygiene factors. But gradually and quickly, others began to embrace it.
Today almost every salon, hotel and modern home relies on these disposable bath towels, which are not only non-toxic but also biodegradable due to their ingredients. The manufacturer of the white fiber claims to use a latex binder in the cellulose fiber. Wondering why all compounds are latex? Because it has enhanced absorbency and thickness compared to other products.
It's a towel replacement that doesn't require washing or a lot of storage space. These two reasons alone have persuaded countless consumers to choose the one-off version over the traditional one. A disposable towel is rarely used twice. This reduces the risk of various viral and bacterial contamination from one person to another. Also, you don't have to spend money to sanitize them.
Being lighter and generally smaller than traditional towels, many people mistake them for less absorbent. But that's not entirely true. Disposable bath towels are ribbed and come in a variety of patterns. The patterns are not for aesthetics, but for absorbing as much liquid as possible. Towels with several layers can absorb a lot of liquid, which makes them a common item.